Saturday, July 29, 2023

Akbelen forest and Obsolate thermal power plants

Akbelen Forests and Obsolate power plants Despite the resistance of the local villagers on 740 decares of land in the Akbelen forests, the forest administration is cutting beautiful trees under the protection of the gendarmerie. Since the beginning of the week, approximately 20 thousand beautiful trees have been cut down. Locals are protesting the actions of Turkish company YK Energy, which aims to expand its open pit coal mine to feed the Yeniköy (2x210 MWe) and Kemerköy (3x210 MWe) power plants, which already have criminal records for non-compliance with environmental norms. The FGD and ESP investments of the power plants were made before and after the privatization. It was known that the lignite coal has poor quality with 2000-2100 kcak/kg LHV, 20% ash, 36% moisture, 1.9% sulphur. Coal reserves were running low at the mine site during the privatization in 2014, when the open mining field reserves of the plants were exhausted, they had to switch to the more expensive underground mining. In fact, the coal production licenses cover a very large area, and since the production has become very expensive, the state forest administration has taken the gendarmerie behind them, allowing the tree cutting to start in the Akbelen forest. Yeniköy power plant was put into operation in 1986. a hard-working, almost 40-year-old power plant with problems in design. They were privatized whereas they should have been closed and sold as scrap. The companies that sell and buy knew the power plants were too old and to be scrapped. Kemerköy power plant is situated by the sea, already far from the coal field. The electricity produced in both plants was expensive capacity mechanism support was given. Environmental rehabilitations were exempted for a while. Afforestation was carried out, the yield was below acceptable sector figures, everything was done wrong, mistakes continue to be made, these scrap power plants have completed their economic life. They will work as long as they can, they will stay with those that pollute the environment, then they will be replaced. renewable, storage wind and solar hydro power plants. Disturbing the people of the environment to such a degree will cause them public relations, the closure of the sources of financial funds and a negative image transformation. Datça 28 Temmuz 2023


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