Privately Operated Thermal Power Plants in Turkey

Dear Energy Professional, Dear Colleagues,
In Chamber of Mechanical Engineers, we have initiated to list the important big size (>35MWe) thermal power plants in operation, in construction and in project design phases in the local market. Public owned thermal power list was relatively easy since it was tabulated by EUAS and details were made public. It was hard to find the design parameters of privately owned thermal power plants. In order to collect the latest figures for the private enterprises, we have sourced the latest information which are released in EPDK and their own web sites. Here is the latest list,
Thermal power plants currently in operation, in order of magnitude,
EnkaPower Natural Gas fired Combined Cycle Power Plant, in Adapazari, Gebze, Izmir Aliaga, with total 3830 MWe
Isken Sugözü, Evonik+ Oyak JV, imported coal (6000 kcal / kg LHV) conventional thermal power plant with total 1320 MWe
Aksa Kazancı Holding Antalya, Natural Gas fired Combined Cycle Power Plant in Selimiye and Kovanli villages with total 1150 MWe
Baymina Ankara Suez, Natural Gas firing Combined cycle power plant with total 770 MWe
Chayırhan ParkHolding, local minemouth coal (2800 kcal / kg LHV) firing conventional thermal power plant with total 4x160 MWe
Tekirdag Uni-Mar IPR, Natural Gas fired Combined Cycle power plant in Tekirdağ with total 480 MWe
Tekirdag Trakya Elektrik Gama Holding, Natural Gas fired Combined Cycle power plant with total 478 MWe
SABANCI EnerjiSA, Natural Gas fired Combined cycle power plants in Adana-Mersin, Çanakkale-Izmit, with total 455 MWe
Zorlu Energy, Natural Gas fired Combined Cycle, in Bursa, Lüleburgaz, Sincan, Kayseri with Total 420 MWe
Bisash Bursa Natural Gaz fired Combined Cycle Power Plant with total 410 MWe
Akenerji Natural Gas fired Combined cycle, in Yalova, Bozöyük, Çerkezköy, Izmir, Alaplı with Total 357.6 MWe
Entek Electric/ Koç Holding, Natural Gas fired Combined Cycle Power plant, in Bursa, Izmit Total 300 MWe
Habash LNG fired Combined Cycle in Izmir with total 300 MWe
KARABIGHA imported coal firing (6000 kcal / kg LHV) CFB thermal power plant with 2x135 MWe
OvaElektrik Çolakoğlu NaturalGas firing Combined Cycle power plant, 253 MWe
Doga Energy Esenyurt Istanbul, Natural gas fired combined cycle power plant with total 180 MWe
Silopi / Shirnak ParkHolding, local Asphaltite firing CFB thermal power plant with 135 MWe
Enda Energy, Natural Gas fired Combined cycle Power plant in Antalya OIZ with total 94.38 MWe
Ayen Ostim Ankara, Natural Gas firing combined cycle power plant with total 35 MWe
Thermal power plants in construction with >50% investment spending
Eren Holding Çatalağzı, imported coal (6000 kcal / kg LHV) conventional thermal power plant with total 1360 MWe
Bandirma EnerjiSA SABANCI, Natural Gas firing Combined cycle power plant with total 900 MWe
Borasko Samsun Natural Gas firing Combined cycle power plant with total 800 MWe
RWE Turcas Denizli Natural Gas firing Combined cycle power plant with total 775 MWe
Thermal power plant projects under leasing scheme,
Çankırı Orta, ÇALIK Energy 100 MWe
Bolu Göynük Aksa Enerji 150 MWe
Tekirdağ Saray 300 MWe
Bursa Keles (cancelled)
Adana Tufanbeyli EnerjiSA 450 MWe
Soma-C, 2x300 MWe (at tendering stage)
Afsin Elbistan C-D-E (at tendering stage)
We wish all success to our private thermal power plant operators, and investors in their works. With Deepest Regards.
Haluk Direskeneli, Ankara based Energy Analyst,
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